Sunday, July 1, 2012

Who or what is Zozo?

This is a reverse image of a photograph I took during an intense ouija session back in the year 2000. As crazy as it may sound the zozo entity requested that I take a picture of it, and I did.

Zozo had claimed it was attached to a skull necklace which is being held over the board on it's direct instruction. Of the three photos taken, this was the only one containing what appears to be a face.

We asked where it was and it spelled M.I.R.R.O.R. There was only one window in that bedroom and we all looked up towards it. The necklace was casting an image from that mirror, and at our angle we all watched in shock as inside the mirror was the skull necklace swaying gently back and forth with it's black-tooth grin and glowing red eyes.

I cannot describe the fear that blanketed everyone present in that room. Hours before, I conducted a session with two female middle school children while blindfolded. They were able to recite information straight out of an encyclopedia with astonishing accuracy when asked about King Arthur. They had absolutely no prior knowledge of this character in history, yet proceeded to answer every question with immediate vigor. It  was if the entity was taunting me by insulting it's intelligence. I was completely amazed by how zozo was able to channel information thru these girls. And while they were giggling, I was shuddering.

The subsequent events and experiments I conducted during these sessions are bewildering. It had been a few years since my last zozo sessions, and now things were progressing at a break neck pace. The zozo entity was a very prideful individual. It seemed to thrive on my focused intentions of making it "SHOW" itself. And while zozo showed a perverse and sarcastic sense of humor, I knew deep inside that it was zozo that was playing a game.....not us mere humans on a toy talking board.

My first encounter with zozo was by accident, or was it? A grizzly looking double sided ouija board was found underneath an old home near Sand Springs Oklahoma. On one side was an early 1930's William Fuld board. But was made all the more creepier by the opposite side. We referred to it as the "dark" side because it was grotesque in the manners in which it were created. Someone etched ZOZO into the board with wings similar to this image above. The double sided zozo witchboard as we named it had creative symbols etched into it's surface. It's maker had carefully spilled different colored candle wax onto the surface, making a spiderweb like plethora of sinews and trails. Burnt marks were on the corners as if someone had tried to burn it repeatedly. and after using the board we discovered immediately the rainbow shaped indention from Z to O. It was eroded and very smooth to the touch. it would slowly circle the zozo letters, and continuing in formation, spin out back to the letter Z, then to O.....sometimes with such great intensity the planchette would fly across the room.

The board would disappear for days on end. Then found back in it's usual location, in a bedroom closet covered with a purple silk cloth. The board was very heavy not only by it's considerable weight, but by it's menacing visual presence. Heavier still given the fact that this board was found underneath a house surrounded by jars of preserved blackbirds!

I remember crawling underneath the home and grabbing a few of these lightning jars. On the outside of these was a strange oily and chalky substance that was not easy to wipe off. But despite getting it all over my hands and clothes I was able to hold the jars up two the sun and see what was inside.

Fluids were at the bottom but what a strange feeling I had when I stared into the blood red eyes of a perfectly preserved corvid! Why were these birds preserved in such a manner? And why are they circling a bizarre double sided witchboard?

And so the next chapter in the story begins. It was obvious to me at the time that this board was created by a coven of witches, or someone with knowledge into the world of the occult.  I began researching the ouija anywhere I could. Tulsa had a very reputable occult book store on Cherry Street and I would spend hours researching the paranormal. I become obsessed with everything ouija, and from there the next ten years were perhaps the most challenging of my life.

This closeup from the same photograph  as above shows a striking similarity to the skull necklace zozo claimed to have attached to. This "floating skeleton" appears to have wings and what resembles a triangular planchette positioned in the skeletons face.

Paradolia? Possibly. I only know the sessions from which this pic was taken were as intense and paranormal as anything I have ever witnessed. A deep terrible moaning could be heard emanating through walls after these sessions. I developed sleep paralysis, and become very reclusive to society in general. I was once again messing with zozo and ouija boards despite my earlier sessions in which I promised myself I would never do it again. But again and again I did.

The picture to the right is from a private case in Oklahoma. The family reportedly had Ouija sessions that produced a zozo encounter. They claimed a ball of fire was seen hovering around areas of the house. This photo has been enlarged to see the image of what appears to be a demonic looking humanoid with its back turned towards you. Above the torso is a skeleton shaped head, with HORNS that resemble the horns in the first photo above!

Mid way down the torso you can make out bony elbows that look as if it were cradling a baby. The innocent babies head can be seen above the fire entity's right shoulder.

There was a baby in this same home where this zozo haunting took place. This photograph has not been released, you are seeing it here for the very first time. Contrast was increased in the bottom photo to show the traits in more detail.

I was not allowed to investigate this case in person, but consulted a local paranormal team as they made their own evaluations.

Zozo is mentioned in this french demonic encyclopedia as one of the demons responsible for the diabolical possession of a young girl in 1816. Along with the demon Mimi, and Caproulet. Modern zozo encounters involve the powerful entity that goes by the familiar name of MAMA. Is this just another coincidence? I think not.

John Zaffis is a famous demonologist that has gone on record to state he has heard this strange name zozo come up "time and time again" during his 40 years investigating hauntings. He also has said many hauntings are a direct result of the use of ouija Boards. He also was quoted on a paranormal radio station as saying he usually doesn't repeat demonic names, but he feels zozo is not a demon by todays modern definition, but an actual Deity. Immediately I was concerned by hearing this from such a prominent demonologist!

Zaffis stars in the popular paranormal series Haunted Collector.

So after having some pretty intense discussion with Zaffis on a few radio shows, the zozo phenomena began to raise eyebrows within the circles of many researchers and investigators. One of the biggest questions was and still remains who or what exactly is this ouija spirit that calls itself zozo?

Some believe it to be a guardian spirit. Some believe it is a demonic entity. Now here is a demonologist that believes it to be a deity existing before the advent of Christian Theology, and I think Zaffis may be on to something with this train of thought.

How is this zozo able to communicate with so many individuals? In many reports during ouija sessions zozo has claimed to be the son of Satan himself. If spirits or demons are not supposed to have omnicient powers, how can this entity effect so many different people in so many different geographical locations across the world?

Some people have written that they think zozo is an egregore or collective group thoughtform created by occultists for a certain purpose. While I recognize the phenomena has gotten out of hand on the internet with youngsters and other practical jokesters, it is not within my opinion that zozo is a magical entity created by humans. An egregore while functioning on it's own will, is unique in that it is strictly a human creation. What purpose would zozo serve to humans? I am also understanding of the fact entities may be using the word zozo to instill fear into ouija participants and there is evidence to support that demonic ouija entities indeed feast and obtain energy from the participants by using fear to their advantages.

Some people believe I have simply made up the entire phenomena for some viral movie campaign to which I respond to as complete balderdash! The zozo stories have been on the internet for many years before I decided to put some serious research into what I believe to be a very real paranormal phenomena. If it were not for my own experiences I too would be skeptical of such a disturbing set of circumstances. When I started to realize there was simply too many similar experiences reported I came out to talk about what the hell could be going on. I have never made a penny on any movie, book, or other media result from my association with this phenomena.

So we are left with alot of questions and not many answers. We may never know. One thing we do know it is still happening with increasing frequency. Recently in some of the zozo encounters sent to me via this site it seems zozo has some apocalyptic message or prophesy not for the year 2012, but instead the year 2020. After reading these I noticed 2020 was very similar to the name zozo itself. Numerology, sigils, astrology, occult symbology are a few things I look into when researching this phenomena, as zozo always told me it was a King of demons, and used cryptic numbers and speech in some of the intense sessions. It asks participants to chant strange words that resemble Latin or Hebrew. I believe without a doubt that this zozo has a profound intelligence and ability to accurately forecast future events. And while some accuse me of glorifying and bringing attention to a demon, I remain steadfast in attempting to understand the hows and whys of this disturbing phenomena.

The debate and arguments within the various circles of paranormal celebrities has been both frustrating and comical. It would seem just in the last five years the number of "demonologists" has risen exponentially. On media outlets such as facebook and twitter EVERYONE with an interest in this type of paranormal activity has suddenly graduated into a demonologist. Some are charging people outlandish amounts of money for their unique services. I too have studied the various religious aspects of demonology as well as pagan and magic based occult systems of belief. And I do draw conclusions from the various belief systems I have examined. However I do not charge people for my involvement into cases involving zentity hauntings or activity. I suppose someday I will self publish a book of some sort on my zozo research, but I choose not to travel the paranormal circuit of puppets I see in today's artificial convention networks. The information on zozo and other strange entities described in ouija sessions should be made available to anyone interested. I attempt to respond to each email I receive in regards to the phenomena.

Who or what is zozo? Does it really matter? The fact remains that an entity or group of entities are harassing ouija participants all over the world. Language is not a barrier. Geographical locations on earth are no barrier. It is best left alone. If you experience aggressive interaction and planchette movements while using a Ouija take precautions. It is not just a game. Be aware of the circular patterns, and do not let it count through  numbers forward or backwards thru the alphabet. Figure eights while common, can result in some type of manifestation.....I have seen and felt this behavior from the zozo entity. Names such as Zam, Zetoh, Zaza, and others can spell trouble for ouija participants both on and off the board. More information coming soon on this site.


  1. I would like to thank you for posting this. The pictures are phenomenal. And your own personal story dealing with zozo makes this all the more credible in my opinion.

  2. I have stumbled across this Demon and became very instrested in it I knew nothing about it but now it spoke to me and I can feel its prences


Have you had contact with a spirit or entity through Ouija Boards or other Oracles? Comment here, or email me at