This is a recent screen capture of the hits received on this website. The interest in what I coined "The Zozo Phenomena" has proven to be perhaps one of the most polarizing issues to hit the paranormal world in decades. Some claim that I started all of this in hopes of publicizing a film based in part on my research.
WRONG!.......While I did agree to appear as myself in the upcoming horror film I AM ZOZO.....I chose to be involved because I feel it is important to WARN people about what can happen when people decide to dabble with Ouija boards. The film is about to be released to the public and people need to know the truth.
I had been in contact with film director Scott DiLalla for almost a year before filming began in Seattle Washington. Scott decided to do a film on Zozo because of the amazing stories he found on the internet. When he asked me to come aboard for the film I was excited but also very concerned about the message that it would convey to audiences. I made the decision to appear in the film as a WARNING to those who are considering speaking with the dead on Ouija boards. I went through years of suffering because of my involvement in Ouija sessions with Zozo.....and so my work continues.
The Zozo Phenomena has become larger than I had ever anticipated. I continue to receive emails from people claiming to have encountered Zozo thru talking boards......even Doctors! Here is a recent one:
Hey Darren, so to start off right, I am 30 years old, I am a doctor. I never really believed in the quija, was a skeptic. Being a man of science. Recently my little sister (22) brought one over to use, for a night of "scary" fun.
The first time the planchette moved an individual whom recently killed themself contacted us, it turned out to be a friend of someone in the room, who wasn't touching the planchette, to give her a message. After that we were all a bit spooked, being the 2 whom were touching the planchette had no idea who this was, or that they ever existed for that matter. Only one person in the room did.
Now after that... ZAZA over and over again, spelled out S-E-X , then jibborish, we put the board away. Last night one more time we tried, spelled out MAMA, at an alarmingly quick pace. As if the planchette was being pushed by myself and another. Upon asking questions of what that means and is it a name? The planchette continued on to the corners of the board (the pictures) and continued on in a figure 8 all around the board. Even at one point counting down the alphabet backwards from Z - A. When we took our hands off the planchette it continued to move for another second at max on its own.
I just did some research and I am realizing this may be an evil entity trying to harm any one of us.Is this true ? Please tell me what I should do.
Best regards,
Name witheld
This encounter is incredible, yet typical of what I find in my inbox at on a weekly basis. Since I created this web blog in 2009 I have received hundreds of emails from all over the world about this phenomena. I find it disturbing that it continues to affect so many people. The skeptics will continue to mock me and those who have had very real experiences, but it's funny how they are always scanning the world in search of proof of the paranormal.
Well we can get back to the paranoid skeptics later, but consider this. Why are Vatican officials carefully monitoring this site and the Zozo Phenomena? The site tracking technology on this site logs many visits from people within this organization. I am interested to ask this question.....WHAT DO THEY KNOW? The Vatican possesses the world's largest collection of apocryphal manuscripts and documents known as the "bibiloteca secreta." Could it be possible that they have in their secret archives, information on this Zozo Phenomena? Or are they in the dark and searching for answers like myself? Is Zozo listed as an actual demom in their archives? We may never know.
One thing we do know is Zozo is listed in an early 19th century encyclopedia of demons known as the Dictionnaire Infernal. Click here for information on this wild collection of demonic accounts and drawings: DICTIONNAIRE INFERNAL.
One of the interesting things concerning this book in it's connection to The Zozo Phenomena is that Zozo is mentioned in an account of severe possession. Démon qui, accompagné de Mimi et Crapoulet, posséda, en 1816, une jeune fille du bourg de Teilly en Picardie. Translated into English means Zozo accompanied entities Mimi and Crapoulet in a severe possesion of a little girl in a Town near Picardy.
The significance of this account has lead to various french demonic lists to include Zozo as an actual demonic name. I didn't discover this until 2010 well after my Zozo research began. One can imagine the very chills that ran up my spine to discover historic evidence of Zozo in literature. In many of the encounters with Zozo shared with me, it is often reported to be in unison with, or in liaison with other entities such as the curious entity "MAMA." Could this account cited by Garinet in the Dictionnaire Infernal be mistaken. Ouija encounters with a spirit that identifies it'self as Mimi can be found on the internet. But in many Zozo encounters the participants are very aware of the presence of this "Mama" entity. Could Mama have been one of the demons in the possession case in 1816? We can only speculate, but I find it relevant that in actual reports of Zozo experiences, Mama is often there as well.
I have received many emails asking me when my book on the phenomena will be released and the answer is I just don't know. I have had many of my writings lost due to computer crashes, but the reality is when i re-live some of my experiences I have strange things that begin to take place. And so until then I can say that paranormal researcher Rosemarie Ellen Guiley is coming out with her new book titled "Ouija Gone Wild." In this book she takes a look at some of my experiences I have shared with her. They are both frightening and very personal to me. Anyone interested in the phenomena should be made aware of Rosie's new book with co-author Rick Fischer.
Some know I host a paranormal radio show on Canada's ParanormalEh? Radio network. You can hear some of the shows here: HELLS BELLS RADIO Having been interviewed on so many paranormal radio shows, i felt it was time to expand and host my OWN radio show. After 6 episodes I have interviewed such names as psychic Robyne Marie, paranormal interventionalist and hypnotherapist Teddy Skyler, but one of the best interviews was with Ouija expert and historian Robert Murch. In this interview, Robert shares his take on the Zozo Phenomena and he is considered one of the world's leading expert on Ouija boards. The exciting full interview can be heard here:
In this interview many listeners reported hearing strange sounds and whispers during the episode. Co-Host Brittany Ervin breaks out her Ouija board live and we ask it questions. Robert reveals that he has been working on what is being called the DEFINITIVE Ouija documentary. Here is a sneak peek of this:
Because of the huge interest in the Zozo Phenomena, Robert has asked me to be involved in this one of a kind film documentary. I would like to personally thank Robert for his invitation and for his numerous contributions to the field of paranormal research.
I have recently been contacted by a paranormal research group in the Netherlands who are also planning to film a documentary there. I feel that is very important to continue to educate and expose people world-wide as to the very real dangers involved when one decides to dabble with spirits of the dead.
The recent events in Texas have caused me to investigate a very strange Ouija case as seen on national news. Read about it here: OUIJA TO BLAME FOR AN ATTEMPTED MURDER?
Is this recent incident a result of contact with Zozo? I am currently trying to reach students, parents, and criminal investigators to find out. And so the controversy continues. One thing remains clear, The Zozo Phenomena is NOT an Urban Legend. I believe it is REAL PARANORMAL ACTIVITY.
I am currently making plans to film my own documentary on this phenomena. Any film makers who want to be apart of this can contact me at I think it is time to tell my story on film. The movie I Am Zozo while based on actual events is not my experience. Until it is told, I will continue to monitor Ouija events world-wide. Thanks for stopping by.....and God bless.
I am a young man seeking to understand the legend and it's victims. I seek to learn so I may hopefully defeat this beast and send it back to hell. To do this I need to know al I possibly can.
ReplyDeletePHello demon hunter, I am here to tell you that your mission to defeat this beast is well, not a good idea.... don't try and play hero ... don't mess wth something you know nothing about... if you haven't encountered this entity, consider yourself blessed.. I can tell you it can and will turn your life into a nightmare and seek to control .. destroy you, as I have had horrible experiences and am still having , it has physically. Attacked me, I have pics of the scratches, sexually invaded me, caused a rift in my home, and well at times I.don't feel like myself, he is nice at first then degrades you, causes disaray in your life, and waits for your last breath of strength to destroy your soul..who would think a kids game c,an go so wrong.. please, let it be, if u go looking, you will wish u didn't... take care.
ReplyDeleteWhat would it be called if you can contact Zozo, (short for Pazuzu) without a my use of an oracle, I am able to by power meditation
ReplyDeleteI am very concerned about the 2020 predictions... Can you clarify or I will just have to seek out Zozo myself, but that is a last resort... My email is please reply as soon as possible
ReplyDeleteWell I was wondering, how do you contact ghosts and Demons and all that without using an ouija board? I really wanna try..
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is something you can just "send back to hell". Clearly its gaining strength from all the attention its getting. The best thing we humans, as a whole, can do is stop feeding into it by trifling with ouija and powers we don't understand.