I recently received an email from a concerned young man. He has given me permission to post it in it's entirety. Keep a watchful eye for updates to his encounter!
Hi, my name is Evan last name withheld. I am a 15 year old that lives in Mobile, Alabama.
I have recently had some experiences with this "Zozo" person using an Ouija Board obviously.
I saw where you had posted your experiences with Zozo on www.trueghosttales.com, and I have come to you with some experiences me and my mother have had with an Ouija Board.
You see, when my mom was about my age here and some of her friends used to be big with using Ouija Boards. She is 36 now, and has told me to never mess with them, but with the hard head of a teenager I did anyway. Anyway, her and 2 of her friends were using an Ouija Board at our old house when they were all about 17. They were talking to a peron named "Maleki". As soon as this "Maleki" finished spelling his name, my mom blacked out. Or so she thought. Her friends had told her that she became convulsing and speaking in tongues, like ancient Hebrew or something, and her eyes were rolled into the back of her head, and they tried to touch her and shake her but they said she was so hot that it was like touching a hot oven. Then after my mom came to, and they properly said goodbye to the demon (or spirit) they put the Ouija Board up to never use it again. But a couple of days later the cross from my grandfathers coffin, in my mom's room began turning itself upside down and we've had hauntings like that at that house even since.
Then on Halloween in 2009 me and some friends went to a graveyard to use an Ouija Board, but I was too caught up in the moment to really remember what my mom has said about them. We spoke to a demon, or spirit, named "Diablos". My friend Kyle asked him if he knew anyone personally in the group and it said yes. Kyle asked who and it said "E" and I was the only one there with the initial "E". I then asked how do you know me, and it said "M" which scared me since my moms first initial is "M".
But now my experience I had with Zozo this weekend.
My and some friends went to my old house because they wanted to use an Ouija Board. The one I earlier said was haunted and were my moms cross in my moms old room would turn upside down. I didn't want to have anything to do with it, so I told them the basic rules that my mom has told me since shes a Pagan. I stood outside of the circle and watched, and they began. They told to a spirit and asked its name and, obviously, it said "Zozo". They then asked, "Are you a good spirit?" and it said no. They then said, "Do you want to hurt any of us?" it said yes, and they said "who?" and it replied, "E -V-A-N", I then started to get really scared and told them to put it up, but seeing as how they don't know the dangers they could cause (regardless of the fact that before this they spoke to a spirit and didn't say goodbye to a spirit, thus opening a portal and then all the power went out in the neighborhood we were in, and the school's alarm next to the neighborhood went off) they refused to put it up. They then asked why Zozo wanted to hurt me and it said "Margaret", which is my mom's name. At this point I was so scared I was practically crying. Zozo then carried on to say that he was gonna do his "harm" to me in 2018. They asked what he was going to do to me and it said "torture". I then ran out of the house.
Ever since then I've seen 2018 everywhere I turn like Zozo is telling me its going to happen.
Like I had a missed call on my cell phone, so I checked and it said the number was 2018. I really don't know what to do, and I'm really afraid to go to the kitchen by myself.
But theres my story. I hope that helps in any way to your studies of Zozo, and goodluck on writing that book.
Thanks for your help,
I saw where you had posted your experiences with Zozo on www.trueghosttales.com, and I have come to you with some experiences me and my mother have had with an Ouija Board.
You see, when my mom was about my age here and some of her friends used to be big with using Ouija Boards. She is 36 now, and has told me to never mess with them, but with the hard head of a teenager I did anyway. Anyway, her and 2 of her friends were using an Ouija Board at our old house when they were all about 17. They were talking to a peron named "Maleki". As soon as this "Maleki" finished spelling his name, my mom blacked out. Or so she thought. Her friends had told her that she became convulsing and speaking in tongues, like ancient Hebrew or something, and her eyes were rolled into the back of her head, and they tried to touch her and shake her but they said she was so hot that it was like touching a hot oven. Then after my mom came to, and they properly said goodbye to the demon (or spirit) they put the Ouija Board up to never use it again. But a couple of days later the cross from my grandfathers coffin, in my mom's room began turning itself upside down and we've had hauntings like that at that house even since.
Then on Halloween in 2009 me and some friends went to a graveyard to use an Ouija Board, but I was too caught up in the moment to really remember what my mom has said about them. We spoke to a demon, or spirit, named "Diablos". My friend Kyle asked him if he knew anyone personally in the group and it said yes. Kyle asked who and it said "E" and I was the only one there with the initial "E". I then asked how do you know me, and it said "M" which scared me since my moms first initial is "M".
But now my experience I had with Zozo this weekend.
My and some friends went to my old house because they wanted to use an Ouija Board. The one I earlier said was haunted and were my moms cross in my moms old room would turn upside down. I didn't want to have anything to do with it, so I told them the basic rules that my mom has told me since shes a Pagan. I stood outside of the circle and watched, and they began. They told to a spirit and asked its name and, obviously, it said "Zozo". They then asked, "Are you a good spirit?" and it said no. They then said, "Do you want to hurt any of us?" it said yes, and they said "who?" and it replied, "E -V-A-N", I then started to get really scared and told them to put it up, but seeing as how they don't know the dangers they could cause (regardless of the fact that before this they spoke to a spirit and didn't say goodbye to a spirit, thus opening a portal and then all the power went out in the neighborhood we were in, and the school's alarm next to the neighborhood went off) they refused to put it up. They then asked why Zozo wanted to hurt me and it said "Margaret", which is my mom's name. At this point I was so scared I was practically crying. Zozo then carried on to say that he was gonna do his "harm" to me in 2018. They asked what he was going to do to me and it said "torture". I then ran out of the house.
Ever since then I've seen 2018 everywhere I turn like Zozo is telling me its going to happen.
Like I had a missed call on my cell phone, so I checked and it said the number was 2018. I really don't know what to do, and I'm really afraid to go to the kitchen by myself.
But theres my story. I hope that helps in any way to your studies of Zozo, and goodluck on writing that book.
Thanks for your help,
I sincerely hope Evan stays away from Ouija Boards from now on. He says that he will let me know if things progress.
I find this encounter particularly bothersome because of the unprovoked death prediction. Also the torture reference, and the alarm going off. Very similar characteristics to events I have witnessed years ago.
Zozo mentioned in two new internet write-ups:
New Zozo update on about.com:
Article on Associated Content:
Both articles make references to the possibility that this phenomena could be over-active imaginations, or stories simply told by the campfire. The oldest Zozo story listed on the site is from 2002. My experiences began in the early eighties. I wonder how far back these Zozo stories really go? Again Zozo is mentioned in a french grimouire as one of the demons that possessed a young girl near Picardy in 1816.
John Zaffis claims the three Zozo hauntings he is investigating involve three different women. He didn't specify if they were possessed, but mentioned deeply disturbed and tormented. It would seem he has some Incubus characteristics, as I have received two emails from women claiming it had molested them, one in her sleep, and one fully conscious. This woman described it as "taking over the right side of her body," having it's way with her. She then locked herself into a closet, and had a conversation that lasted for hours.
More emails
Brandon (last name with-held)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Hi I came across your story and I absolutely believe you. Here is my concern. My bro is an atheist. This sat night he is planning to play with the ouija board and contact the dead with his friends. In this ceremony he is including a drawn pentogram with ashes, red and black candles...the whole nine yards. My bro thinks this is funny. I've warned him that this is very dangerous. What do you think he should expect to happen?
Mr.and Mrs. last name withheld
Mr.and Mrs. last name withheld
I am 40 years old also and have been curious since I was about 16 when me and a girl I knew sat down and played with a ouija board at her house for about a month. I hadn't really had experience with one prior to that and didn't believe they were anything but baloney. When we used it a strong spirit took control and the board started spelling things by itself pretty much without us holding or even touching it and it did it very quickly. It called itself ZOZO. I had the courage to ask it who it was and what it was and it answered "you will know in time".
I was shocked to see your story. I had a few bizarre events in my life especially when I was younger that couldn't really be explained especially this. I agree this thing is nothing to mess with. I haven't touched a ouija since. When I was in the military another member I knew was using a ouija regularly and he was institutionalized because he freaked out and thought his room was on fire and it wasn't and he became very violent. That was enough for me to not even think of touching one of these again. It is definately a portal.
How many others have you contacted or have contacted you that are aware of this spirit? This is freaky! I would help you write a book or even create a website to give people knowledge of this thing or at least a sounding board so they can share their stories. This is something very powerful.
I am contacting you to see if your email still works. I found your inquiries about zoso/zozo interesing and I figured I would give it a go at some research. Hope this is still your email address. I know wikipedia isn't the most reliable but I found this there:
In demonology, Ose is a Great President of Hell, ruling three legions of demons (thirty to other authors, and Pseudomonarchia Daemonum gives no number of legions). He makes men wise in all liberal sciences and gives true answers concerning divine and secret things; he also brings insanity to any person the conjurerking and wearing a crown, or a Pope. wishes, making him/her believe that he/she is the creature or thing the magician desired, or makes that person think he is a
Ose is depicted as a leopard that after a while changes into a man.
His name seems to derive from Latin 'os', mouth, language, or 'osor', that who abhors.
Other spellings: Osé, Oze, Oso, Voso
His name seems to derive from Latin 'os', mouth, language, or 'osor', that who abhors.
Other spellings: Osé, Oze, Oso, Voso
Hi Darren,
I really don't even know how to start talking about this but I'll give it a try.
I recently purchased a Ouija board and of course started playing with it. I was contacted by zozo right away. I then goggled the word and found your site.
There is a lot more to my story but I thought I would share this part with you now. After reading your site and your recommended sites for viewing, I sat down with the Ouija board and contacted zozo again.
I asked if he had anything that he wanted me to tell Darren in an email. I don't know what this means if anything but I will share it with you anyway.
This is what happened:
He first spelled out: HV3
Then: NO 7 4 3 8
Then: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lastly: ZOZO
Does this mean anything to you?? I am a very spiritual person and am certified in Reiki energy work. I will be taking my Reiki Master classes soon so I can teach.
I have a very large intuitive since and can pick up on people very well. I am studying many things to become more in touch with he human sike.
Please let me know one way or the other if you have the time.
Interesting to note that when i looked up HV3, it seems to be a web browsing software for websight design. I haven't had any luck with the "syixn." But how strange is it that Zozo had a message for me? I guess he knows I don't get on the boards anymore.
More emails to come, as I have some really mind blowing ones to share. Goodnight for now!
Hey Darren its Mari ii dont know if yuh remember me but ii miss yuh. );